No one is suggesting that when you go on a vacation you should have a translation company work for you to make sure that you can read every brochure, menu or receipt. Translation for pleasure is one thing and translation for business is something completely different.
Do you use Translation for pleasure or for business?

Is translation needed for travelling?
One of the fun things about travelling on vacation is the adventure of going to a new place where you don’t speak the language. You get by on what you know and you just hope you don’t get too lost or offend someone with your native ways, sign language and manners. Often times you can find local people who know enough to give you a couple directions or help you out just enough to get you to where you’re going. It’s fun. It is translation for pleasure.
Translation for business is another matter.
Is translation for business required?
When you decide to do business in a country or if you have some kind of legal proceedings that you are a part of, you are now taking part in the system of the local culture and translation for business is required. You are no longer allowed to bumble your way through laughing at the mistakes and using sign language to get your point across.
You need a professional translation service that has the capability and the facilities and staff to serve your needs.
If you are doing business, your company needs to come across respectfully and professionally. If you are involved in legal proceedings over property or contracts, you need to have some people on your side who know the local language and can translate and keep you in the loop on a professional level.
The reputation and liability of your enterprise is on the line. You need a professional translation for business.

The need for professional translation
A few decades ago, there was not much need of opting for a professional translation company or professional translators as a very few businesses were expanding their horizons to foreign countries and translation for pleasure was a much more common need. But as time has passed, and people from the corporate world have begun to accept and implement the concept of globalization the demand for professional translation for business has increased. It is important to understand that Google Translate or your friends cannot help you when it comes to legal and corporate matters. To carry out dealings and do business with people in the foreign lands, it is important that you prepare all your documents in their language and get some knowledge about it. Hiring a professional translation company to carry out translations for business for you, you will increase the chances of doing successful business with the foreign people. Translation for business must be handled by professional translation company such as the NordicTrans.
It’s one thing to find a tourist on an adventure that is lost and obviously doesn’t know what she’s doing, while she needs translation for pleasure. It’s a whole lot more alarming to find someone starting a company who is lost and obviously doesn’t know what she is doing!